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Sehenswürdigkeiten in Kelheim (55)

Vista della cartina
  • Chiesa parrocchiale dell’Ascensione

    Dopo la demolizione della vecchia chiesa pericolante di Santa Maria fu edificata verso la metà del XV secolo la chiesa parrocchiale cittadina dell’Ascensione di Maria, in stile tardo gotico. ...
  • The Altmühl Gate

    In the 13th century, the Altmühl Gate was built in the north of Kelheim, directly in front of the former bridge that led over the river Altmühl. Back then, the old salt route from Landshut led ...
  • The Danube Gate (“Donautor”)

    When we walk past the Matthias Kraus monument and cross the bridge over the Little Danube (“Kleine Donau “), we will be standing in front of the Danube gate. Its ogival access leads directly ...
  • The "Herzogkasten"

    Ducal Warehouse near the Danube The ″Herzogkasten″ (Ducal Warehouse) in Kelheim stands as a magnificent testimonial to the region’s rich history and proud architectural heritage. Constructed ...
  • The Matthias Kraus Monument

    When leaving Kelheim’s historic city centre through the “Danube Gate” (Donautor) and walking towards the embarkation point for the ships to Weltenburg, you may easily overlook a historic ...
  • The Mitter Gate

    The Mitter Gate (“Mittertor“) was built in the 13th century. In the 19th century, it was rebuilt. Originally, the Middle Gate had been constructed with a saddle roof, but now it shows a tent ...
  • The two town halls of Kelheim

    On a tour through Kelheim's beautiful city center, Kelheim's monumental town halls on Ludwigsplatz attract everyone's attention because of their artistically and historically valuable facades. One ...
  • UNESCO-Welterbe Donaulimes

    Am 30. Juli 2021 hat das Welterbekomitee der UNESCO entschieden, dass der westliche Teil des Donaulimes als "Grenzen des Römischen Reiches - Donaulimes (westlicher Abschnitt)" in die Welterbeliste ...
  • Weißes Bräuhaus

    La fabbrica di birra bianca "Weisses Bräuhaus G. Schneider & Sohn GmbH"

    All’epoca del principe elettore Massimiliano I (1598-1651) la birra chiara al lievito poteva essere prodotta soltanto in due birrifici principeschi: a Monaco – e a Kelheim. Questa fabbrica si ...
  • Wittelsbach Castle

    Leaving the city through the Altmühl Gate (“Altmühltor”) and turning left, you can see the palace of the Bavarian Wittelsbacher dynasty (“Wittelsbacher Schloss “) which is located on the ...