Erasmus Tower
The Erasmus Tower (“Erasmusturm”) is another one of Kelheims medieval towers. It is located in the northeast of the city. Despite originally having been constructed as a defensive tower in the 14th century, it was converted into a chapel and used as such from 1360 to 1803. The chapel also served as a meeting place for the Weinzierl Brotherhood, which was an association of wine growers from around Kelheim who made the wine of the region famous in the 17th century.
In 1803, the church was deconsecrated and transformed into a private residence. Today, after getting renovated, the “Erasmusturm” is now home to the so called “Zum Erasmus”, which is, by its own definition, a so called “Sightsleeping Hotel”. It offers visitors a chance to experience Kelheim’s history first-hand while enjoying comfort and hospitality.